Experiencing Fulfilling Relationships Begins Within.

Most of us desire a life that is thriving. For many, this means more fulfilling relationships with friends and family, satisfaction in our work, or learning how to love well. Sometimes we struggle in how to make this happen. We do not have the ability to change others, but we can work on ourselves.

Whether you are trying to navigate a difficult relationship, deepen an existing one, or if you find yourself in a place where you feel stuck, we can work together to foster skills to develop more fulfilling relationships with those around you. Reasonable goals for therapy include an increase in self-awareness and self-esteem, a reduction in stress, less anxiety, and an increased ability to deal with a wide range of emotions. Remember that you do not have to be alone in this.

William Whitney, LMFT



Group Therapy is different from support or self-help groups since it provides a way for members to build self-awareness while also providing opportunities for change and growth within the group experience. Therapy groups especially benefit those who have something in their interpersonal life with family, friendships or romantic relationships that they wish could change or be developed. The Group Leader selects people who would be helped by the group experience and can be learning partners for each other. Group Therapy helps one become more aware of one's thoughts and feelings and freely express these thoughts and feelings as honestly as possible.

Currently, I offer an Adult Process Group on Thursday evenings from 6-7:15 pm.


Individual therapy is a great way to explore, discover, and uncover areas of growth like: relationships, life transitions, spirituality, and parenting.


Couples therapy involves working with two people in an intimate relationship who are having difficulties and working to resolve them. The therapist works with the couple to try to identify and work through tensions and problems. Additionally, the therapist works to implement strategies that will lead to a healthier and happier relationship, such as how to listen well, how to argue fairly, and how to express feelings in the moment.


Get In Touch

Get in touch to set up a consultation. I know that finding the right therapist can be an overwhelming process. That’s why I offer free consultations to hear your therapy goals and expectations and find out what might be the right fit.

We are ready to sort out the things in your life that are currently overwhelming or even underwhelming you. Whether you prefer a one-on-one or desire a group setting, there is a space for you.